My husband and I decided to become foster carers as we had enough room in our home and in our hearts to help a young person.
We don’t have children of our own but this has never been an issue. When a child is placed with us we ensure they become ‘part of the family’ this happens at a comfortable speed for the child and is important as we feel it helps build a better relationship with them. Our placement at the moment enjoys going and doing activities with our close family members without us. This is lovely for him to be able to do as it reinforces that we want him with us and so do our families. Reassuring a placement needs to happen to make them feel safe, secure and loved.
Fostering can be very hard and challenging but it is also very rewarding, even though we have been through some really tough times you come out the other end, together as a family and it just reinforces to everyone the relationship that has been built and when you get that first hug it’s the best feeling ever.
Training is ongoing and we also get the chance to meet with other foster carers regularly as well as having your support worker visit your home monthly, not necessarily to check on you but just to make sure you are ok and if you need any help or extra support, we always find this reassuring, even if you have a coffee and a chat.
The Clifford House Fostering team are always there to offer support and guidance if you need it or you can just ring them to scream if you feel the need, and believe me any foster carer at some point needs too.