Here are the answers this week’s top three asked #FosteringFriday questions!

How do I apply?
Once you’ve had an initial chat with us over the phone and we’ve visited you at your home, we will supply you with an application pack which you can complete in your own time and return to us. And that’s it – you’re on your way to becoming a Foster Carer!

Why do children need to be placed in foster care?
Children are in foster care for a variety of different reasons, ranging from an unsettled or unsafe home life which is effecting the welfare of the child, an illness in the family which means the parent is unable to care for them at that time or a family breakdown. It is important to remember that whatever the circumstance, the child will be vulnerable and fragile as they will be facing separation from their birth family.

I don’t have a spare room – can I still foster?
It is a requirement for our Foster Carers to have at least one spare room for the looked after child in order to give the child a degree of privacy and space.