Fostering is someone or more than one person who brings up or looks after a child that is not theirs. Foster carers are so important to those children who do not have a loving home.
Clifford House Fostering was established in 1996 and we have extensive experience working with local authorities. Our aim is to make sure children are given a loving family home environment when they have had a hard start in life and we operate from our Worcestershire base with carers providing training and support.
We recently published an infographic, which highlighted some of the following facts and statistics.
• According to BAAF (British adoption and fostering) as of March 2015 69,540 children were in foster care.
• BAAF also say that 4060 children as of March 2015 are awaiting a placement. There were however 5330 children placed with a family year ending March 2015
• According to BAAF 71% of children were placed within a year of the agency deciding that a child needs to be placed for adoption.
• Department of education and statistics advised that over the last 7 years the number of children in foster care has risen year on year.
• Ofsted reported that Foster care provided the highest number of good or outstanding ousted rate placements.
• 70% of siblings in foster care are placed together
As part of our research we wanted to get the opinions of parent bloggers to help us understand how they felt about fostering in general and what they knew about it.
Rachel Neal from Blogging Mummy says:
“As a parent it is heart breaking to think that there are 4060 children out there, that have not been loved and don’t know that loving family environment. All children should have a loving, secure family home from the day they are born and I hope one day these 4060 children will have that feeling. It also weighs heavy with me that over the last 7 years there has year on year been an increase of children going into care, why is this? Why should any child be in care?
I hope that over the next 7 years we may see the amount of children in care going down. One positive thing is that 70% of siblings are placed together. Sometimes all these children will know is each other and I think as a parent that is so important for these children to stay together.”
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