What is Fostering? A mother’s perspective.

Fostering is someone or more than one person who brings up or looks after a child that is not theirs. Foster carers are so important to those children who do What is Fostering? A mother’s perspective.

Foster Caring in the UK Survey 2015

The foster care sector provides a safe place for over 50,000 children in the care of social services each year. According to national statistics, around 1 in 3 or those Foster Caring in the UK Survey 2015

2015 Foster Care Facts and Statistics

Local Authorities, with the support of leading organisations and charities such as Ofsted, the Coram, The Fostering Network and IFAs (Independent Fostering Agencies), play a leading role in securing a 2015 Foster Care Facts and Statistics

I’ve heard that if I give up work then I can’t claim benefits for six months, does this count if I give up work to foster? Will I receive enough MumsNet Questions: Fostering, Benefits and Work

Articles 14/05/12 – Every 22 Minutes a Child Needs a Foster Carer – Huffington Post This article gives a factual perspective on the need for foster carers in the UK No Idea About Fostering? Here are 13 Articles and Blogs We Recommend

Another Place at the Table by Kathy Harrison (2004) This is the first-person story of a woman who has been a foster parent for more than a decade. ‘If you Never Heard of Fostering? 9 Books to Get You Started

Clifford House Family Day Out |Telford

We recently treated our Foster Carers, their families and looked-after children to a family day out in Telford. As you can see, it was a great day out for all Clifford House Family Day Out |Telford

It wasn’t until Ellen* was placed with her carers at Clifford House that she was finally faced with the prospects of a positive and bright future. From a young age, It’s the Little Things That Make All the Difference…

BBC2’s Protect our Foster Kids: Episode One Review

On Sunday BBC 2 launched it’s new documentary series following the foster carer’s at Dorset County Council on their journey with fostering. Here’s the Clifford House review of episode one. BBC2’s Protect our Foster Kids: Episode One Review

Part Two – How much has Staying Put affected Fostering in the UK?   

A year has passed since the enactment of the most significant piece of legislation for thousands of young people in care and their foster carers across the UK. Young people Part Two – How much has Staying Put affected Fostering in the UK?  

Part One – 18 and Forced to Leave Care: Life for a foster child before the Staying Put   

Following lengthy campaigns over the years and pilot programmes trialling ‘Staying Put’ in 11 local authorities, young people in foster care are no longer forced to leave their foster homes Part One – 18 and Forced to Leave Care: Life for a foster child before the Staying Put